
Is market change an opportunity for sanitary brand development

Abst:The brand is like a seed. Its growth requires careful cultivation and care by humans, but it can never become a towering tree in the greenhouse. Only ...
The brand is like a seed. Its growth requires careful cultivation and care by humans, but it can never become a towering tree in the greenhouse. Only after the baptism of wind and rain can it thrive. Although adversely affected by the large environmental market, some sanitary ware companies still showed good growth in the first half of this year. It can be said that the period of market change is an important opportunity for the accelerated development of brands. View market changes with positive thinking From the current point of view, the real estate market is still subject to tightening control policies, and real estate sales are therefore affected. As the sales of building materials and sanitary wares are closely related to the status of the real estate market, in the first half of 2013, the real estate market leaped forward, and the entire sanitary ware market The sales situation is not bad, but in the first half of this year, the bathroom business clearly felt the chill of the market. However, we must maintain a stable attitude towards the future market. In the future, there will definitely be a decline in the business of some brands, but at the same time it will provide opportunities for the development of some aggressive brands. "Crossing the sea, showing the true character of heroes", those excellent brands with core competitiveness in R & D, craftsmanship and marketing are more likely to go against the trend. Survival of the fittest is an eternal market law. After repeated rounds of market reshuffles, those brands that lack brand concepts and marketing transformation capabilities will have a narrower market space, and their ability to resist market risks will also become weaker. The development prospects of excellent brands will be even broader, at this time is showing the value and tenacity of the brand. Create a win-win marketing model This is an era of resource integration, and the operator's personal ability is more prominent. Without the cohesion of the team, the support of partners, and the approval of customers, it will eventually become a difficult cause. Agents need to have a good brand as a support, without the support of manufacturers. The growth of the brand's performance in the end market is inseparable from the cooperation of the sales team and the after-sales service team. The extension of the influence of the brand terminal is inseparable from the joint efforts of the dealers; the spatial application of the products is inseparable from the wonderful flowers of the designer. Brand word-of-mouth communication cannot be separated from word of mouth of consumers. Now, consumers 'brand awareness and taste of life are getting higher and higher, and their personalized needs are more intense. Therefore, brand manufacturers are required to keep innovating, which puts forward higher requirements for manufacturers' innovative capabilities. Of course, now the competition between brands is not only at the level of hardware conditions such as products and store image. In an age when consumers pay more attention to the consumer experience, it is very important how to effectively communicate with customers, understand their needs, and provide services proactively, so that consumers have a pleasant experience throughout the consumption process. . A few years ago, there was a reference in the sanitary ware market where a salesperson was a home consultant, but very few actually implemented it. Now, this is very urgent and necessary for real brand marketing. Home consultants are not only reflected in the textual changes of business cards of salespersons, but also require the salespersons to have corresponding professional qualities and service levels. Merchants are the same for consumers, and agents should also pay attention to the improvement of service capabilities for dealers. Support from store decoration, opening to late delivery is already a basic requirement for brand distribution. For dealers who have a brand philosophy and operational strength but lack brand management capabilities, they need soft support in terms of improved marketing management and improved after-sales service systems. From manufacturers to agents, to distributors, from merchants to designers, to consumers, this is an ecological chain, and only a harmonious and win-win situation can achieve the height of the brand.